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KoTakera, Kagoshima



20- Collin, A., 2017, “Spatial resilience of coastal socio-ecology in France and China”, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China, 20th November.


19- Collin, A., 2016, “Campagne hydrographique STORISK à Takapoto (Tuamotu, Polynésie française)”, University of La Rochelle, La Rochelle, 12th September.


18- Collin, A., 2016, “Organisations spatiales et processus socio-écologiques dans des paysages récifaux coralliens”, University of New Caledonia, Nouméa, 18th March.


17- Collin, A., 2015, “Bathymetry mapping using spaceborne data”, Zurich Institute of Technology, Zurich, 9th February.


16- Collin, A., 2015, “Spatio-temporal patterns of a socio-ecosystem engineer in tropics”, Zurich Institute of Technology, Zurich, 6th March.


15- Etienne, S., Collin, A., Jeanson, M., 2015, “Etude des services éco-systémiques de protection des dépôts sédimentaires en baie du Mont-Saint-Michel”, Ecology and Sustainable Development Scientific Committee, Rennes, 4th February.


14- Collin, A., 2014, “La résilience des socio-écosystèmes littoraux inféodés aux récifs coralliens Japonais”, Littoral Geomorphology and Environment Lab, Dinard, 18th December.


13- Collin, A., 2014, “Linking spatio-temporal patterns of the coral reef socio-ecosystem in Japan”, University of Ulster, Coleraine, 10th December.


12- Collin, A., Collin, A., 2014, “Navigating the fellowship towards professorship: from coastal observation to ecological engineering”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 9th October.


11- Collin, A., Collin, A., 2014, “The Spatial Resilience of Japanese Coral Reef Socio-Ecosystems”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 27th May.


10- Collin, A., Collin, A., 2014, “Coastal and Marine Landscapes from a Bird's Eye View”, KAUST, Thuwal, 20th April.


9- Collin, A., 2013, “Coral reef ecological service in a developed country (Nansei archipelago, Japan)”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 17th October.


8- Collin, A., 2013, “From Vulnerability to Resilience Mapping of Coral Reef Socio-Ecosystems”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 11th April.


7- Collin, A., 2012, “Spatial resilience of the Nansei socio-ecological reefscapes ”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 29th November.


6- Collin, A., 2012, “Ecologie du paysage récifal en Polynésie française”, Insular Research Centre and Environment Observatory, Moorea, 8th June.


5- Collin, A. and Y. Chancerelle, 2011, “L’étude du paysage récifal corallien au cœur du Pacifique sud : confluence du réseau Polynesia Mana et du satellite haute résolution”, Marine Protected Areas Agency, Brest, 30th March.


4- Collin, A., 2011, “Salmon habitats targeted with bathymetric LiDAR”, NOAA, Santa Cruz, 11th January.


3- Collin, A., 2010, “L’écologie du paysage récifal via le prisme de la télédétection”, Insular Research Centre and Environment Observatory, Moorea, 28th May.


2- Collin, A., 2010, “Cartographie du Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise via le LiDAR bathymétrique”, Marine National Park of Iroise, Le Conquet, 11th March.


1- Collin, A., 2010, “Cartographie des Aires marines et littorales par le LiDAR”, Marine Protected Areas Agency, Brest, 23th February.




21- Etienne, S., Collin, A., James, D., 2017, "3D reconstruction of coral reef morphology using UAV, echosounder and VHR satellite images: interests and limits of an integrated approach", European Coral Reef Symposium, 13-15 December.


20- Casella, E., Harris, D., Parravicini, V., Mann, T., Collin, A., Lorscheid, T., Quasingah, P., Mensah-Senoo, T., Appeaning Addo, K., Drechsel, J., Rovere, A., 2016, "Low altitude remote survey of coastal areas using drones: some applications", GeoSUB-Underwater geology, 13-17 September.


19- Thiaut, L., Collin, A., Chlous, F., Claudet, J., 2016, "Place-based operationalization of the social-ecological vulnerability framework to foster social-ecological resilience", 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 19-24 June.


18- Collin, A., Etienne, S., Jeanson, M., 2016, "Three-dimensional structure of coral reef boulders transported by stormy waves using the very high resolution WorldView-2 satellite", International Coastal Symposium, 6-11 March.


17- Pouteau, R., A. Collin, P. Archambault and B. Stoll, 2013, “Modeling reef health from upstream socio-ecological components using GIS and RS”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IEEE International 21-26 July.


16- Collin, A. and K. Nadaoka, 2013, “Vulnerability assessment of coral reef socio-ecosystems using a multi-scale approach in Okinawa, Japan”, 35th International Symposium of Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April.


15- Collin, A. and S. Etienne, 2013, “Mapping the geomorphic impacts of high-energy events on coral reefs using very high resolution remote sensing: a case study in French Polynesia”, 12th International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth University, 8-12 April.


14- Etienne, S. and A. Collin, 2012, “Interest of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing for Coastal Boulder Studies: a Case Study on Tetiaroa Atoll, French Polynesia”, 12th Asia Oceania Geoscience Symposium, 13-17 August.


13- Collin, A., J.L. Hench, and S. Planes, 2012, “A novel spaceborne proxy for mapping coral cover”, 12th International Coral Reef Symposium - 9-13 July, 5A Remote sensing of reef environments.


12- Hench, J.L., J.H. Rosman, K.L. Yeakel, and A. Collin, 2012, “Understanding and parameterizing roughness in circulation models of coral reefs”, 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 9-13 July, 4A Water motion, abiotic and biotic processes on coral reefs.


11- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2010, “Spatial predictability of species diversity and abundance of epimacrobenthos in turbid nearshore using bathymetric LiDAR”, 11th GeoHab 2010, Wellington, 3-7 May.


10- Robitaille, V., B. Long and A. Collin, 2009, “Accomplishments and outlooks”, 11th annual scientific conference GEOIDE, Vancouver, 27-29 May.


9- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2009, “LiDAR-assessed seamless littoral ecosystems in 2D and 3D”, GeoHab 2009, Trondheim, Norway, 5-8 May.


8- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2009, “The use of the bathymetric LiDAR for Nearshore Habitat Suitability Modelling”, FUDOTERAM 2nd workshop, Québec city, 26-27 March.


7- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “Benthoscape mapping at speed of light”, Meeting on FUDOTERAM project, Québec city, 27-28 November.


6- Long, B., Y. Keramoal, A. Collin and A. Cottin, 2008, “A new approach to determine the bathymetry in a very shallow environment using the SHOALS 3000T signal”, 5th International on high-resolution surveys in shallow water, Portsmouth, NH, 21-24 October.


5- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “Relating spatial benthoscape patterns with a high resolution bathymetric LiDAR”, International Conference of Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, 31 august - 5 September.


4- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “Mapping the coastal habitats: the SHOALS as a tremendous tool for benthoscape ecology”, 9th Annual Coastal Mapping and Charting Workshop, San Francisco, 17-19 June.


3- Long, B., A. Cottin and A. Collin, 2008, “SHOALS-3000T Waveform Analysis for Sedimentary Seafloor Classification”, Coastal Zone Canada Conference, Vancouver, 25-29 May.


2- Cottin, A., Collin, A., and B. Long, 2007, “The FUDOTERAM Project: Various Analysis of the Pulse Waveform for Bottom Classification”, JALBTCX workshop, Seattle, 17-18 May.


1- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2007, “SHOALS benthic habitat discrimination using multivariate analysis”, FUDOTERAM 1st workshop, Toronto, 27-28 March.



14- Harris, D.L., Rovere, A., Parravicini, V., Casella, E., Canavesio, R., Collin, A., 2016, " Healthy coral reefs may assure coastal protection in face of climate change related sea level rise", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12-16 December.


13- Collin, A., Laporte, J., 2016, "El Nino impact on coral reefs of the central Pacific – Use of Sentinel-2, a test in the Marquesas", 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 19-24 June.


12- Jeanson, M., Etienne, S., Collin, A., 2016, "Wave attenuation and coastal protection by shelly ridges: Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, France", International Coastal Symposium, 6-11 March.


11- Collin, A., Hench, J.L., 2015, “Extracting shallow bathymetry from very high resolution satellite spectral bands and a machine learning algorithm”, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea – ICES ASC, Copenhagen, 21-25th September.


10- Collin, A., and K. Nadaoka, 2014, “Mapping the resilience of the coral reef socio-ecosystems in Japan”, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, 23-28th February.


9- Collin, A., and S. Planes, 2011, “What is the value added of 4 bands within the submetric remote sensing of tropical coastscape? QuickBird-2 vs WorldView-2?”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IEEE International, Vancouver, 24-29 July.


8- Pouteau, R., Collin, A. and B. Stoll, 2011, “A comparison of machine learning algorithms for classification of tropical ecosystems observed by multiple sensors at multiple scales”, 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, 10 - 15 April.


7- Barrell, J., J. Grant, M. Dowd, L. Lu, A. Collin and P. Archambault, 2009, “Characterizing arctic intertidal landscape features (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada).” CHONe workshop, Montreal, 30th september-3rd october.


6- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “The use of the SHOALS waveforms to assess habitat complexity within the benthoscape”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Boston, 6-11 July.


5- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “The bathymetric LiDAR: an adequate tool devoted to benthoscape”, 10th annual scientific conference GEOIDE, Niagara Falls, 28-30 May.


4- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2008, “A new methodology to mapping coastal habitats: backscatters classification of the most accurate bathymetric LiDAR”, Geologic Association of Canada – Mineralogic Association of Canada, Québec city, 26-28 May.


3- Cottin, A., Collin, A., and B. Long, 2007, “What Optech’s bathymetric LiDAR sees underwater”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, 23-28 July.


2- Collin, A., Cottin, A., Long, B., Kuus, P., Clarke, J.H., Archambault, P., Sohn, G., and J. Miller, 2007, “Statistical classification methodology of SHOALS 3000 backscatter to mapping coastal benthic habitats”, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Barcelona, 23-28 July.


1- Collin, A., B. Long and P. Archambault, 2007, “Statistical classification of SHOALS 3000 backscatter to mapping coastal benthic habitats”, 9th annual scientific conference GEOIDE, Halifax, 6-9 June.


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